Pepsi and Survivor

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Pepsi / Sierra Mist / Survivor

Cross Brand, Cross Channel Marketing Campaign

Objective: The Agency of Record needed an online promotional campaign for Sierra Mist, the main sponsor of the hit TV reality show “Survivor.”

Solution:  We send Survivor Cast-offs to public events around the nation, meeting fans face-to-face.

Results: The promotion engaged fans directly with Survivor players, resulting in a huge jump in ratings and increased in-store sales of Sierra Mist.

WRM Stem Cell Therapy

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Wasserman Regenerative Medicine

Medical Startup Branding, Website Design, Development and Digital Marketing Case Study

OBJECTIVE: This Dallas-based healthcare startup provides cutting-edge, regeneration therapies that repair tissue too damaged to heal on its own. The founder needed brand positioning, messaging, and awareness, then all startup content creation and dissemination.

SOLUTIONS: We translated a very technical, scientific, and medical process into terminology that any potential patient could understand. On a foundation of websites and landing page, we then built  traditional and digital marketing campaigns that included keyword domains, search engine optimization, video production, PPC, retargeting, billboard advertising and more.

RESULTS: Just days after launch, the company was generating revenue. 14 months into the campaign:
32,000 visits from Page 1 rankings for hundreds of applicable terminology

Nearly 12,000 video views in the first year


Technology Startup Marketing Case Study:
Website Design, Development, Branding and Digital Marketing

OBJECTIVE: This client manages a cloud-based platform housing all your business technology. As an early-stage startup, the client company needed everything.

SOLUTION: We waded into weeks of market research and interviews, then translated the product and service benefits into layman language. We separated the client’s products/services into market verticals with a pitch for each vertical. Then we designed and created content and graphics for a website and printed sales materials. Every page was painstakingly optimized.

RESULTS: Within one week, the website leaped to the top of search engines, significantly improving their visibility to potential customers, vendors and resellers. Feedback was extremely positive, and statistical analysis showed a significant rise in visitor time-on-site page views and incoming sales calls.

Blockbuster Entertainment

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Digital Advertising Banner Case Study

Objective: Blockbuster Video wanted four banner ads for the front page of, to promote the launch of a new service and drive traffic from millions of Yahoo! visitors.  AND…they needed them in five days. What?!?!

Solution: Instead of typical static banner ads, we created a series of animated, 3-D ads that pulled the viewers eye from competing text and images. Snowballs shot into the room, popcorn popped off the screen, DVDs flew into mailboxes, etc.

Results: Our ad campaign set new highs for home page click-thru-rates, an impressive accomplishment for the little vendor from Dallas. More important, the campaign was highly profitable for both Blockbuster and Yahoo!, who then sent us more work.

Clearview Medical Staffing

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Healthcare Marketing Case Study:
Medical Technology Rebranding, Website Design and Development, Collateral Design

Objective: Clearview needed to attract investors. We jumped at this chance to revitalize an aging brand, clarify their brand message, and broaden their Internet presence.

Solution: Our own in-depth market research and industry interviews revealed confusion with Clearview’s multiple product and service offerings. We developed a strategy to clarify the client’s product and service offerings for each market vertical, then created four websites, each one completely search-engine optimized using best practices and fully integrated with supporting print collateral.

Results: Within one week, the websites soared to the top of search engines. Within months, Clearview Staffing Software was acquired by its largest competitor, API Healthcare.

facebook / Coke / SWA

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facebook / Coke / SWA

Social Media Marketing Case Study:
Cross brand, cross promotional campaign development

Objective: Southwest Airlines and Coca-Cola wanted to introduce Full Throttle Fury, a new energy drink brand, using a cross-promotional website.

Solution: A relatively new social media platform, facebook, was popular with our target market, college students, but had few advertisers. We create one of the first Fan Pages on facebook and invited students to upload photos showing how they “Live life Full Throttle”. Each picture entered them into a sweepstakes for Southwest Airlines tickets and a case of Full Throttle Fury energy drink.The campaign was one of the first truly interactive promotions on facebook with flash banner ads running across the web and within facebook, driving fans and engagement.

Results: The promotion was a huge success for Coca-Cola as thousands of college students and young adults posted pictures of themselves surfing, skiing, mountain biking, skydiving, scuba diving, bungee jumping, etc. For a time, the promotion was one of the most popular pages on facebook. The result was a new brand, successful launched deep into the digital community.

Quintessence Family Office

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Quintessence Family Office

Wealth Management Marketing Case Study:
ReBranding, Web Design, SEO & Print Design

OBJECTIVE: Our client is a socially conscious firm, Dallas-based private family office and wealth management startup that provides impeccable service to high net worth individuals and families. The firm asked us to rebrand the firm and develop all new digital and print media for the rebranding campaign.

SOLUTION: We positioned the client to clarify their strength as a asset manager for some of the wealthiest families in North Texas then designed a new logo and tagline that would appeal to a multi-generational, ultra-affluent target market. Once we clarified their brand, we created content that spoke to family decision-makers. The outcome was fully integrated print and digital media which spoke to their target market.

RESULTS: Within weeks the new branding campaign drove so much traffic that the client asked us to stand down until they caught up on the calls from potential clients!  Instead, we counseled them to staff up, which they did, and thus significantly increased assets under management within the first year. By the second year, they had attracted the attention of the largest Family Office in Dallas and were subsequently acquired.